Breakfast Treat - Almond Banana Quesadilla

There are mornings where I am craving something sweet, in addition to my morning buda bowl.  I want to tell you about something so easy, but oh so good! 

I like to use the sprouted grain tortillas, found in the refrigerator section of your store.  I put a layer of almond butter along the entire tortilla, about 2 T, plus or minus.  Leave the outer 1 inch edge free of nut butter to keep it not quite as messy to eat.  On one half, place thinly sliced bananas.  And on the other side, sprinkle sunflower/sesame/hemp seeds, sliced almonds, and cacao nibs.  Then sprinkle entire tortilla with cinnamon (I also add a wee bit of cardamom, nutmeg, and cloves).  Fold in half, and it is ready to heat.  On your preheated ceramic fry pan, cook your tortilla on both sides.  Let cool before you cut it into quarters with your kitchen scissors.  This quesadilla can be prepared the night before, and heated in the morning. 

Use your imagination, and create other fast meals like this.  What about a pizza quesadilla using compliant canned pizza sauce or tomato sauce?  I am going to try that!


Watch the video below to learn how to make your own fresh nut butters at home using your high power blender!