Plant Based Meal Prep Made Easy

Good Morning Everyone!  It is a beautiful day here in Dallas, Texas, and I really just want to be out in my garden, working in the dirt, feeling the sunshine, and listening to nature!  But, I also know that I want to help you transition to a WFPB lifestyle, and I want it to be as easy as possible! 

When friends first hear about this new way of life, a common concern is that they will have to learn all new recipes, and it seems overwhelming to most people. But what Pat and I have figured out (along with others following this way of life), it can be so simple!  Just eat and consume veggies, fruit, beans, seeds and whole grains!  We take our box of filled jars from the fridge, and dump the contents into a pan to quickly stir-fry, or a bowl to microwave.  Afterwards, add whatever sauce you'd like: BBQ sauce, balsamic or flavored vinegars, spicy mustard with squeeze of lemon, salsa, hummus, or just S&P. 

The easiest way to prepare your jars is to spend one or two hours once a week prepping!  If you work, this can be your Saturday or Sunday afternoon activity.  Buy your groceries ahead of time, wash the veggies, get your loved ones to help, and have an assembly line!  You can knock this out in no time at all.  And I promise you, dinner is only a 2-3 minute ordeal!  No thinking required, no worrying about, "What am I going to make for dinner?".

I also cook up a batch of both fresh beans and grains in the Instant Pot to use throughout the week, and I'll also freeze some in jars for later use.  Put your grains and beans in the jars too, and don't forget to label all your jars on the top lids.  Labels on top enable you to pull out only the jars you might want to use for that meal.  Otherwise, you end up lifting up each jar to see the contents.  I know, a bit obsessive/compulsive, but it saves time!  Thanks to my friend Catherine, for suggesting we label on the lids!

Below is a video of my FAVORITE kitchen gadget, the Vidalia Onion Chopper!  This thing is the bomb, and it will change your life!